v(^3^)V ~ youkoso minnasan!

And the fun continues on the green and grunge look of KIMOCHI v3. This marks the start of my second year of blogging (09.06) so I guess that's YAAAY to me. Let me just remind those-who-must-not-be-named of their freedom to click on to the next blog and let this one be left unspoilt, unpolluted and unscathed by their hands. Know when to save some worth of your time. For friends, you can reach me through email or tag when the need arises alrightie?! I'm just around ^_~

--- IRASSHAI! ---

Friday, December 29, 2006

our bebe gio...tadah!

bebeGIOMeet our little bundle of joy, our ki.se.ki, our angel, the apple of our eyes, the little munchkin who's gonna make every heart turn to jello---Angelo Miguel a.k.a. GIO. My first-ever nephew and he was born December 27 at 5 (freakin') AM.

Like every first time aunt would say, HE IS JUST PERFECT. He's got most of his good looks from his father but (I think) the eyes are my sister's. And I was thanking that atleast, he's got something from our side *WHEW* Nope, dun worry, he wasn't born with knitted brows *lol* This picture was taken when he just woke up and the digicam was sitting beside him. Young as he is, I think he's giving us, Aunt Paparazzis, the evil stare already. Oh MAJOR KAWAII! (or should I be saying "kowaii!!!!" for the lil man's ego boost?! haha) XD And this little man's got strong grip and kick. When the nurse brought him in, he was sleeping soundly but his right foot was out of the blankie and was raised up like he's about to do a Beckham in his lil baby dream XDDD
This aunt can only squee in pure delight----choooouuuu cute. I was able to carry him in my arms (finally) when my sis have to go to the bathroom. He just looked at me and fell asleep. He didn't even cry or poop the whole time he was with me so I'd take that as a sign that he is liking me already hahahahaha~

To my dearest nephew GIO, welcome to the world. You really are a miracle. Thank you for coming into our lives and thank you very much for the ten of thousands-to-the-hundredth-power x 1000000000000 joys you bring...

PS: I realized that I really dun have the heart to go through a newborn screen test. Not that I'll faint at the sight of blood or anything like that but to hear a newborn cry like he's gasping for air makes me want to *flapjack* the doctor doing the procedure (oooh how violent can I get?! XD) To think that my own sister probably does that when she is on duty.....well, just dun let me catch you sis! As if! hahahahaha~

Friday, December 22, 2006

christmas time

According to my calendar (or anyone's calendar for that matter), it's just 3 days to Christmas, 10 days to New Year's. Technically, it's 2 for Christmas since it's gonna be Christmas eve by the 24th and 9 for New Year's coz we light up all the freakin' firecrackers on 31st's eve. Ok, so what's with all the math?! I just want to say.... WHERE HAVE ALL THE 365 DAYS (or right now, 355 XD) GONE?!?! I remember back in 2005 verge of 2006 when I started listing my must-do things and Im ashamed to say, I haven't really accomplished much. And now, it's gonna be 2007?!?! Have to come up with another must-do list with a still previous unfinished one tsk tsk. I have a theory that maybe as we grow older, our years go faster until we're 60 or something when things go retro and slows down a bit. Actually, any truth to that, would be really scary. Like I don't want to live my life in a blink. So maybe 2007, I will be up to doing more things. More things that I really like to do for myself so watch out XDDD
To my family and friends, as I always say, thank you with all my heart for everything when everything are the things that make my life worth living (NAKS!).

To everyone, live life with little or no regrets at all. Life is not always perfect even to the people who have it all
(NAKS! part2 haha).

To my boylets, stay hot and baka just the way I like it *RAAAWR* hahahaha~

To myself, do not make the coming year go without a bang XDDD

So time for my TxT holiday cheer...

(too bad that they are skipping ero this Christmas time hahahahaha~)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

12gatsu no hanas

I know of two ladies who have just decided to take that big leap this month and Im not talking about suicidal women here (but it could as well mean the same for the non-committal ones) hahaha~

First is our stylist friend Kat's wedding. I have known Kat from our usual shoots and she is one of the very nice stylists around. She has the patience and tenacity to go through one of our painstaking shoots this year and although she may wanna puke over 'R' stuff like we all do, she still managed to smile and kept going. Not that we have a choice but it was nice to have her on the team for that. It somehow makes an obviously hard task less hard.

Im just sorry that I missed the wedding and reception. I was supposed to go with my friends from work but late last week, I started itching and getting the red spots at my back. Oh no, allergies---NOT AGAIN! So it's Iterax and Dermovate over Kat's wedding tsk tsk. Anyways, I know that she and the hubby would be moving to London soon and settle there. I wish them very, very, very well on this fresh start of their happy life together. I know something promising awaits them both there.

The second 'December Flower' (as we, Tackey fangals call now *lol*) is a family friend. V is about my younger sister's age and our dads are classmates in College (or was it in law school?). I really am not that close to her but we are both graduates of the same Alma Mater like my other sisters. My parents and my younger sister went to attend the wedding and I heard that V's otouto wept a lil. A highschool boy wept for his older sister on her wedding---a little touched but partially, weirded out *lol* I guess he's just gonna miss his one and only sister, one of his two already married siblings who's gonna have to move out too and knowing how sensitive the otouto is, I'm not that really surprise by his public display of emotion. It seems they are really close. So like her bro, I also wish V and her husband well.

I read in some statistics report that in the Philippines, contradictory to popular notion, it's not really the month of June when most weddings take place. It is actually on December. So Tackey's song '12gatsu no Hana' (December Flower) would really fit into the Philippine setting then (^____^)

Oh sorry for sidetracking to Tackey again but it's really hard not to. How can I when my friend Kat's new surname is ERO and I kept calling V by VENIS and not her actual name which is VENUS. Can you blame me?! Can you really?! wehehehe~

fangal ai

Yup, he was here. I happen to have a friend who went to the presscon launch of THE FACESHOP, a brand which KSW endorses locally. My friend must have ogled at him while he sat across her answering press questions for a good hour more or less. I was so sure how hard it must be for her to contain herself when she's been harboring a crush on KSW since 2004 (or earlier?). Of course, she can't go fangirl mode as she was in on that presscon as a professional member of the press. No excited waving to KSW. No giggly exhibitions. No taking pictures beside him with the famous *peace* sign. No chanting of KSW's name in fangirl fashion. No "KSW, saranghaeyo!!!". And definitely, NO SNATCHING OFF KSW's USED TISSUES/STRAW FOR SOUVENIRS *lol* The only evidence of her KSW fanatic streak would be the huge, wide grin she had while another friend took a picture of her with a good view of KSW sitting at the back. It implicitly reads, "MY GAAAAWWWD! Somebody pinch me!" XD XD XD Now, if it were me in her place and Tackey in KSW's, I'd be shooting *dokidoki* flying kisses across him until he gets distracted and call for the guards hahahahahaha~ Seriously, I would probably do the same as my friend's. If my eyes pop out from holding in too much giddiness and euphoria, it's undoubtedly Tackey's fault! XD

Speaking of which, TxT's got 2 concert days to go before National con tour preparation starts again. To the girls who are going, you are all very lucky! Aside from the very, very nice con merchs, imagine 30 + encores on the setlist!!! And that is for one con only. They do 2 cons per day! Goodness, that's about 60+ song performances a day yo! If I didn't know how much TxT love their fans and all, I'd say they have a death wish or something! (^_^)V The consolation would be that, with the wintercons over by the end of the year, they won't have to kill themselves in rehearsals again for the National tour in February and March except for some probable minor changes on the setlist. Atleast, they won't have to start from scratch.

\(^o^) GA-GA-GANBAROU!!!

dokidoki over tokidoki

tokidokiimitate1 tokidokiimitate2
tokidokiimitate3 tokidokiimitate4

tokidoki, which means 'sometimes' in Japanese, is a brand by Italian artist Simone Legno with partners Pooneh Mohajer Arnold and Ivan Arnold released by LeSportsac. It is just funny that none of the designers is Japanese considering how the bags look very Japanese. From the colorful prints, vibrant colors to the kawaii icons and styles---they are just too cute to have. Honestly, I haven't heard this brand until I saw tokidoki imitations at St. Francis Square last weekend. I was so amused that after getting myself one, I just knew that I'd have to get more. My friend Erly said that there were tokidoki originals at Rustan's. Maybe I'd go check it out after the holidays. Going there around this time would be triple torture: one, from the traffic; two, from the crowd; and three, from spending any more okane when I still have about 10 people on my xmas list who I have to shop for. Aside from the fact that tokidoki originals ain't cheap here.

I just realized how ebiiiiil, ebiiiil, very ebiiiil shopper I was coz at the end of my shopping day, I end up buying more stuff for myself than for the ones on my list. No wonder it's taking me a long time to finish my 'xmas mission'. Looks like I'm coming down with yet another bad habit so God help me.... teehee XD

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


walkin' outside against the crisp, cold wind on our street...


munching Tortillas while having some down time on the couch...


going around the tiangges for xmas rush...

tararat~ tararat~

having an interesting discussion with officemates during lunch time...



This song popularized from a local daily noontime show is haunting me everywhere!!! It's worse than the 'Macarena' fever. Aside from the fact that I get to hear it everywhere and even almost everyday in a very annoying way (man, they even did a 2u4u 'Yume Monogatari', coming out with a xmas version too huhuhu~), I also am not a big fan of the show especially that one time that I got to see it and saw this guy with crutches (!!!) trying hard to do the famous dance steps just to get into a game. I was gettin a lil sick to my stomach, really. I know that the Philippines belong to the third world but to actually see desperation to that extent, *pukes*. Call me insensitive, a killjoy, or even a person suffering from APD but to behold something as preposterous, I feel somewhat sorry for my kinsmen...

Or baka lang talaga na I am not a big fan of novelty songs. Siguro yun na nga yun coz I always find my patience running short whenever I hear songs as 'Basketbol', 'Jumbo Hotdog' and the likes. Majority may find the double-meaning lyrics amusing but I really don't. You'd find me rolling my eyes to whites. Sorry, I can't help it.

Friday, December 08, 2006

a moment of weakness

A little girl talk inside the company car on a way to a shoot which comprised of two male models showing steps 1-2-3 on how to topple an attacker/opponent. Our models, as I was told, were real martial artists.
DiTHeRs: *sigh* I hope our models are drool-worthy so this shoot would be worth it. Have you met them? to our E.A.
E.A.: I just know one of them. I haven't seen the other guy.
M.E.: So is that guy you know cute? Para naman may paglawayan tayo *lol*....
DiTHeRs: Yeah, is he?
E.A.: Umm, he's an ex of a friend (as you can see, she didn't answer the question haha)
DiTHeRs: Oooh.
When we arrived at the studio, we're lil disappointed to find no model has arrived yet when we were already late for the call time ourselves *DiTHeRs thinking to self that this better be worth it* We are already 30-45mins delayed for this shoot and I dun plan to stay 'til midnight for this. After reading and scanning through two magazines, chatting with the studio employees, walking around, eyeing the pizza and mojos, and just simply loitering on the couch, our models arrived. Wasn't really very interested at first coz I've grown a bit weary demo VOILA!!! DiTHeRS turned to *hearteyes* at the sight of the other guy hahaha~ Turns out the other guy is a hottie and watching him carry and topple the first guy *hearteyes* *drools* *hearteyes*. One thing I realized about myself on this incident (see, you get to discover more about yourself every day XDDD) is that I will snob you when I kinda like you (but if I dun like you at all, you will not get any reaction from me that's for sure *lol*). I kept talking to the first guy even if the other hottie kept answering. I can't even call his name for instructions hahaha~

The funny thing was we weren't saying anything on the way back to the office and this morning I found out, E.A. thinks the other guy is a hottie too *lol*

The funnier thing (fangal-wise), when I arrived home last night, I caught Utada Hikaru's 'First Love' pv on the boobtube. Local channel. Which I find very, very rare! And once again I was glued on the screen even if I see Hiki circa 1990's coz I have another Hiki/Hikaru playing in my mind XD As I've confessed for so many times, me and Hikaru Kurosawa go way, way back (one-sided love only so to speak XD) so is this Tackey telling me that I have been unfaithful?! chigau Tackey, chigau. You and RL boylet live in a completely different...erm...dimension (?) and 'tis just a lil crush ahehehehehehe~ nu~ni~nu~ni~nu~ni~nu

Saturday, December 02, 2006

'd' trip

I just came back from Divisoria, the mecca where everything seem cheap but only to the sharp eyes. You see, at this time of the year, most people would be braving a good 1-2 hours of commute or 10-30 minutes of MRT from the East to get a good buy. And when I say a good buy, you really have to be the judge and look out for the really good ones (quality-wise) coz you might just end up buying unbranded stuff which you also see inside the popular malls around for half a price or even lower depending on your bargaining abilities. It would also be nice to chance on bargaining with the store owner's son who, *covers Tackey's eyes*, looked like a younger Takeshi Kaneshiro hehehe~

Of course, all good things come with very, very steep price(s):
  • The possibility of getting good quality merchandises also comes with the possibility of getting not-so-good quality ones too. You really have to be really keen to check the products well. No holes on the underarms, no missing buttons, no Doras with uber-baby bangs and Mickey Mouses with no noses hahaha~
  • Massive people walking around like lil ants + low prices = you get really physical (Olivia Newton John version ahaha~). Yup, I have been pushed, shoved aside and my toes stepped on while standing and checking out stuff. Good thing, I brought an extra dosage of PATIENCE to keep my cool as I told one girl to "quit pushing me and keep your hands off my back" without sharpening my claws right there and then.
  • Expect the WORSE being (1) pushed to sticky, sweaty men carrying boxes of goods who excuse themselves in a really, really 'tight' crowd; (2) snobbed by vendors when you start bargaining or dodging the evil eye they throw your way *lol*; (3) bumped into merchandises (big ones) when your eyes are checking out the others on the next store that'll leave you purple bruises; (4) able to go home with sore legs and feet from going around, store to store; or (5) mobbed by vendors when they try to get your attention showing you their wares.
  • Expect the WORST. Where there are people spending $$$, there are most likely people who'd want to take advantage of the situation. Just keep an eye on your own belongings specially your spending cash.
  • And when you head to the heart of Manila, remember that you've risked yourself to the elements of pollution, soot and all the dirt. You might as well jump into to the showers the nanosecond you got home. As Tackey puts it....
From hereon and after, the DiTHeRs holiday mission continues. Next target--->

Okane baibai~ (^..^)

PS: I cant believe Im on my 24th-hour without any sleep. I've really turned for the worse....