v(^3^)V ~ youkoso minnasan!

And the fun continues on the green and grunge look of KIMOCHI v3. This marks the start of my second year of blogging (09.06) so I guess that's YAAAY to me. Let me just remind those-who-must-not-be-named of their freedom to click on to the next blog and let this one be left unspoilt, unpolluted and unscathed by their hands. Know when to save some worth of your time. For friends, you can reach me through email or tag when the need arises alrightie?! I'm just around ^_~

--- IRASSHAI! ---

Monday, March 05, 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, yes, i was referring to THAT shot!
it's not that i was scared...i was thinking more along the lines of yaoi, so then my mind went:

"takki, we know you LOVE tsu!!! XP i just didn't believe u were THAT open to letting us know...lol~" ( i thot they usually keep it limited to "aishiteruze, T&T" mostly; hence the shocked-ness....hahha

But yes, the calendar makes me go "KYAA~" everytime. Truly like a honeymoon album. I especially like the chopsticks shot in Takki's photobook....kakoi --> kawaii!~ haha, he's such a baka and i LLOOOVVEE it! XD

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I can feel your kilig reverberate from your PC to mine :) Happy for you. Follow your bliss, and you did, WOW!

I know 'moisture is the essence of wetness' (Zoolander quote hehe), but contain yourself. Did you just get that? I don't want to explain. It's too adult hehe.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaahhhhh THREE kawaiiii boys ^_^ which one should have his cheeks *pinch pinch* ???

Saving my peeks of the calendar/books for when Sarah Ann gets hers tonight for her bday....so Gio this *pinch pinch* is for you!

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA SKAMMIE, you know he could really go blatant about it ne~ Besides, he knows too well where he'd be able to hold on to his viewers' interest--->TSUBA'S LOWER FORE REGION *ROFL* If only Tsuba knew where he'd hold ours on Tackey... I was like, "Ok, where are the nuge pics??? Show me the ero king poses now. Show me Tackey flesh XDDD It's coming. I know it's coming...." but before I know it, Ive already leafed through the whole fotobooklet. Somehow it feels something's missing without those pics in there or is it just me?! (^,^) (remind me again how young you are so I could put *bleep* on what I say *lol* Gomen nasai, it cant be helped m(_ _)m )

Im trying my best not to post the super kawaii chopsticks shots! I might just post them....I might just so Im trying to control the urge XDDD Ditto! I LOOOOOVE this calendar very much. When I was browsing it last night, Id have to carry it around with me when I got water, when I watched TV and went to bed *lol*

MEL, you will love it more when you see it. Do you want to see it?! *lol* So your computer is reverberating again?! Oh there'll be lots of reverberation coming your way. See, Im following my bliss, just like you said but it's slowly leading to my wallet's demise *gulp* But well, keep bracing ^^

Yeah that moisture essence thing, I got it. No need to go into details *flashes you my magnum look* XDDDDD

GLENDA, in behalf of my nephew, "ouch! ouch!" *lol* Hey, I was supposed to post this on Sarah Ann's blog but I think Id have to be a member of exblog to post it so I'll just put it in reply here. Give her my OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU greeting. Is the calendar a surprise gift or she knew she's getting them for her bday?!

And tell her Ive heard her 'Se tu m'ami' recital piece. Your daughter has a very good singing voice. I wonder where she got the singing talent?~~~ You know??! XD Congratulations to her on getting into Class 1!!!

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! I'll tell her to swing by here. But you don't have to be a member to make a comment at her blog....I know because I did a "comment" to give her the new link for her song. She hasn't updated it yet. Been kind of busy ^_^ Calendar was not a surprise but she was really upset Monday (3/5)when I told her "no it has not come today"...then I handed it to her that night during the birthday celebration..."it came Saturday while you were gone :p" Her surprise gifts were Tsubasa's solo con & Ho Summer cd (Michi one).

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey~...actually i dunno why my comment's not gettin displayed up here...nevermind bout that..guess ur site doesnt like me much..Y_Y...xD

btw i often see you in michelle+bonnie's blog...and i jux came to know them...i mean only bonnie+michelle+nere...and thought why not check out ur site...and whoa~ SUGOIIIIIIII

esp ur header..since i need header help nowadays ..xD

nevermind...so next time i feel like squeeeeeing for Takki...ill not jux attack michelle and bonnie and nere..but you too...xD xD xD

lastly...hajimashite..*pardon me,my jap is atrocious*

PPS- Omedetou ...you must be chou happy ne? of course you are...silly ques~!

6:56 AM  
Blogger memssshhh... said...

very tita ditdit-ish ang tindig! hehehe. mata palang alam mo na! :D

and i meant that in a good way ha! :P

5:28 PM  
Blogger snuffles said...

Oh my gdness... Gio has grown super cute!!! His eyes are sooo huge!! *squishes.... carefully* You know to be frank, newborns or should i say, fresh borns?? *lol* They really has no distinguishable features. All fresh borns look the SAME. Chotto squashed up and purplish... hahha... but after a few mths, they will start to erm... "grow a face"? Am i making sense?? LMAO... but aiyoooo.. i want to pinch his cheeks!!! Hahhaa... but let me warn you Dithers, as an auntie of 3 kids.. play with him as much as u can, before he turns 2 and starts screaming. Literally. Rem.. terror starts at TWO. XD

And the calendar... it is... KYAH!!! For me, when i opened the HUGE box (which contained 3 calendars), i was so blown away by the cover. Was staring at the cover for some time... it is SO NICE!!! I LOVE it when they dun make everything kakkoii poses.. i love candid and natural shots!!! And its sooo darn heavy, it really feels extravagant! (By the way, delivery is FREE in Japan... *runs away*)

And i really like the back of the cover box too, with them turning back to look at the cam. I can soooo visualise a speech bubble there saying "Tsuite koi!" (Follow us!) WE SO ARE DOING THAT!!!

And the pic of Tsuba by the sea... it is soo surreal. And is like a complementary to that hynoptizing shot of Takki in his just-as-extravagant-book-like-solocon-pamplet!! You know which one im talking about???

12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahha, no worries! I'm 21 already yo~
and yes, tsu needs to learn to take takki FLESH pics...but NOOO....*whacks tsu*...LOL~
ooh, yes, i brought my calendar w/ me almost everywhere too!! hahha..i even brought it to school to show my friends who probably didn't even know who T&T were! I just couldn't help it!!!! =D

1:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahha, no worries! I'm 21 already yo~
and yes, tsu needs to learn to take takki FLESH pics...but NOOO....*whacks tsu*...LOL~
ooh, yes, i brought my calendar w/ me almost everywhere too!! hahha..i even brought it to school to show my friends who probably didn't even know who T&T were! I just couldn't help it!!!! =D

1:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, sorry for the double post.

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh ya, just noticed that you commented on all those off-shots...hahha
they are so funny and fit so well ^.^ love them!~

we should really ask tsubasa what comes after dinner on his ToBase or something ;) LOL

4:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GLENDA, I tried posting but those pop up menus in Kanjis ga wakarimasen. If there was another thing that could possibly make me go *nosebleed* other than Tackey, it's Kanjis and all for a completely different reason ehehe *scratches head* How was Sarah Ann's birthday btw? Im sure she enjoyed it specially the gifts....I would! Can I be your daughter
too? Around next year's calendar release??? XDDD

HAJIMEMASHITE Trish (my Japanese is as awful and my Kanjis,
terrible! so dun worry). Thanks for the compliments about the blog and sorry that your comment gets eaten up. I guess my comments box and you need a lil more time getting acquainted ne~ Oh and Tackey squeeing?! ATTACK me anytime *lol*

Yes, I am so happy. I got good reasons to be so with 2 right in this entry and lots more. See, the fact that it's Friday today just made me extra genki ^^ Thank you~

SNUFFLES-chan!!!, weren't you the one asking for Gio to open his eyes before?! Now, he did and he flashes them at yah big and wide *lol* But I personally think he got his eyes from our side of the family although of course, from my bro-in-law's side, they'd have a different claim but they
got big eyes but not Chinese-y so eyes --> OURS! XDDD Actually, there
is no contest. Im just trying to find Gio's traits that are just similar to us. OC-OC XDDD Yeah, I know. Every newborn looks more or less the same. But of course, there are things that make them extra-special and distinct to
their families. You know, I could even differentiate Gio's cries from other babies. Babies 'grow' faces?!?! *ROOOOFL* What a way to put it but I get it. Im happy
that my nephew grew a very cute one hahaha Ive heard of terrible twos. Im preparing for it although I think my sister has to do more
preparations. I am just suddenly reminded that I am not the mother here~ and the screaming, dun worry, I can scream back right?! (spank bad Auntie, Gio~~~)

I find the box cover a bit like a spin off of last year's with the
Dalmatian remember? Only this time, they made the Dalmatian disappear and put a road instead *lol* Shouldn't this be titled the 'MICHI' calendar?! ^^ What Im really liking is the calendar cover + back itself with TxT playing throw & catch. It looked fresh, playful and very casual. I also liked them in candid shots coz they have been gracing POPOLO, POTATO, MYOJO, WINKUP ETC mags with those KAKOII poses already right?! The 'TSUITE KOI' thing, doko demo TxT ni imasu ni tsuite iku! (except outside Tokyo hahaha). They also looked like they wanna play tag with us deshou? I'll go ran after Tackey first~

Yeah, I know that particular hypnotizing Tackey pic you were talking about. You had it on your blog before. Tackey standing/kneeling knee-deep in the water.

Free delivery, really?! (O.o) *rans after you with a peeler* FREE DELIVERY WHILE ALL OF US PAY FOR DOUBLE RRRRAAAWWWR!!!!!!

SKAMMIE, I just added those captions coz I was still feeling a lil more chatty about the calendar *lol* Thank you~ I also showed the calendar to my workmates. One wanted Tackey's hair and another, Tsubasa's so if they were adventurous enough, we could have a TxT version here at work hahahaha (my friend SHINE who wanted Tackey's hair already had a safer haircut). My friends from work also are not into this whole Japanese thing but Im only too willing to get them into it. Atleast for starters, they are familiar with Tackey and Tsubasa (^__^)

I think Tackey would have a more interesting answer about that after-dinner, after all, he just had his serving of 'THE BEST WING' deshou?! ~~~~~

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naks naman MEMSSSHHH, is that a compliment?! Parang sinabi mo na tantalizing ang aking mapupungay na mga mata hahaha Sige na nga~ Thank you awww (^_~)

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I can afford another daughter!!! She had an excellent birthday except for the spider that landed on her leg ROFLOL (it wasn't a good day for that spider)...and her DVD clips arrived today (Friday). I got e-mail this a.m. announcing the pre-order for x-Dame/Crazy Rainbow. She saw that and said,"OH OH get it get it...for my birthday!" And I was "just how long does your birthday celebration last??!!???"

Compromised with ordering Jacket A AND Jacket B but using almost all of MY (LOL) points to make one of them free. Guess it is a good thing that dear old mom adores Takki & Tsubasa, too, ne???? ^_^

3:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*lol* yeah, I could imagine and so I understand, GLENDA (^.^) Adopting me for a daughter would double, if not triple the TxT expenses in the household which is very baaaaad XDDD

Oh there was a spider pooper on Sarah's bday. Not really the best day for the spider ne? But atleast, it seemed the best for Sarah with her month-long celebration (and month-long bday wishlist) ^^

My DVD arrived yesterday morning. And still deciding on which version Id get for the single. AVEX made it really tough for us this time. Each version is as good as the other. GGGRRRRRR... Atleast Sarah Ann's got a cool mom *wink* Say, how about me being a...housepet? 'Kimi Wa Petto' style?! NYAAAH!!!!! XD

2:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFLOL!!!! I have just recently finished downloading that one & saving it on to discs to watch later so I've seen pieces of it while checking the discs. It looks like it will be fun to watch! Matsumoto Jun..kawaii..but not as much as T&T ^_^

3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was fun to watch though the premise is kinda weird. MatsuJun wa hontou ni kawaii desu demo ne TxT ga motto kawaii deshou? *lol* Of course, to a MatsuJun fan he is the most kawaii and to TxT fans, they are also the most kawaii. I guess, depends who is talking here~

Funny that I've brought it up just before you watch it. Once again, the COSMIC law applies to TxT fangals XDDD So how about it? Me, kimi no petto for TxT Calendar 2008-2009?! You can feed me veggies *LMAO*

8:52 PM  

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